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601 Body and bodily functions Nail-biter If a game, election, contest, etc, is a nail-biter, it is exciting because the competitors are so close that it is impossible to predict the result.
602 Body and bodily functions Near the knuckle If something is near the knuckle, it is bit explicit or too close to the truth for comfort
603 Body and bodily functions Neck and neck If two competitors or candidates, etc, are neck and neck, then they are very close and neither is clearly winning.
604 Body and bodily functions Neck of the woods If someone talks about their neck of the woods, they mean the area where they live.
605 Body and bodily functions Nerves of steel If someone has nerves of steel, they dont get frightened when other people do.
606 Body and bodily functions New blood If something needs new blood, it has become stale and needs new ideas or people to invigorate it.
607 Body and bodily functions No skin off my nose If somethings no skin off your nose, it doesnt affect or bother you at all.
608 Body and bodily functions No spine If someone has no spine, they lack courage or are cowardly.
609 Body and bodily functions No Sweat No Sweat means something is easy. For example, "This contest is just no sweat." meaning "This contest is just easy."
610 Body and bodily functions Nod's as good as a wink (UK) A nods as good as a wink is a way of saying you have understood something that someone has said, even though it was not said directly.? The full phrase (sometimes used in the UK ) is a nods as good as a wink to a blind horse.
611 Body and bodily functions Nose in the air If someone has their nose in the air, they behave in a way that is meant to show that they are superior to others.
612 Body and bodily functions Nosy parker (UK) A nosy parker is someone who is excessively interested in other peoples lives. (Nosey parker is an alternative spelling.)
613 Body and bodily functions Not bat an eye If someone doesnt bat an eye, they do not react when other people normally would.
614 Body and bodily functions Not have the heart If you dont have the heart to do something, you dont have the strength or courage to do something. (Usually used in the negative)
615 Body and bodily functions Not to be sneezed at If something is not to be sneezed at, it should be taken seriously.
616 Body and bodily functions Off the top of your head If you say something off the top of your head, you dont think about it beforehand.
617 Body and bodily functions Off-hand Off-hand means without preparation. People say that they dont know the answer off-hand, meaning that they dont know it at that time.
618 Body and bodily functions On my back If people are on your back, they are bothering or nagging you.
619 Body and bodily functions On the nod (UK) If something is accepted by parliament or a committee majority, it is on the nod.
620 Body and bodily functions On the nod (UK) Someone whos on the nod is either asleep or falling asleep, especially when the shouldnt or are are in a position unusual for sleep, like sitting or standing.
621 Body and bodily functions On the nose This means right on time.
622 Body and bodily functions On the right foot If you start something or set off on the right foot, you get off to a good start.
623 Body and bodily functions On the tip of your tongue If a word is on the tip of your tongue, you know you know the word, but you just cant quite remember it at the moment.
624 Body and bodily functions On your last legs If someones on their last legs, theyre close to dying.
625 Body and bodily functions On your toes Someone on his or her toes is alert and ready to go.
626 Body and bodily functions One hand washes the other This idiom means that we need other people to get on as cooperation benefits us all.
627 Body and bodily functions One in the eye If you achieve something that will irritate someone because they did not think that you were capable it is one in the eye for them.
628 Body and bodily functions Out of hand If something gets out of hand, it gets out of control.
629 Body and bodily functions Out of your hair If you get someone out of your hair, you get them to stop bothering or annoying you. (Stay/keep/get out of my hair! can be used as imperatives)
630 Body and bodily functions Out on a limb If somebodys out on a limb, they are in a very exposed position and could get into difficulties.
631 Body and bodily functions Over your head If something is over your head, or goes over your head, it is too complex or difficult for you to understand.
632 Body and bodily functions Pain in the neck If someone is very annoying and always disturbing you, they are a pain in the neck. Pain in the butt, or pain in the ass (USA), and Pain in the arse (UK) are less polite alternative forms.
633 Body and bodily functions Pay through the nose If you pay through the nose for something, you pay a very high price for it.
634 Body and bodily functions Pick someone's brains If you pick someones brains, you ask them for advice, suggestions and information about something they know about.
635 Body and bodily functions Plain as the nose on your face If something is as plain as the nose on your face, it is very clear and obvious.
636 Body and bodily functions Plastic smile When someone is wearing a plastic smile, they are appear to be happier with a situation or events than they actually are. This is actually a description of the forced smile you might see in many photographs.
637 Body and bodily functions Play into someone's hands If you play into someones hands, you do what they were expecting you to do and take advantage of this.
638 Body and bodily functions Play it by ear If you play it by ear, you dont have a plan of action, but decide what to do as events take shape.
639 Body and bodily functions Play out of your skin If someone plays out of their skin, they give an outstanding performance.
640 Body and bodily functions Point the finger When you point the finger at someone, you are accusing and blaming them for something.
641 Body and bodily functions Pound of flesh If someone wants their pound of flesh, the force someone to pay or give back something owed, even though they dont need it and it will cause the other person a lot of difficulty.
642 Body and bodily functions Powder your nose If somebody goes to powder your nose, it is a euphemism for going to the lavatory (toilet).
643 Body and bodily functions Press the flesh When people, especially politicians, press the flesh, they meet members of the public and shake their hands, usually when trying to get support.
644 Body and bodily functions Prick up your ears If you prick up your ears, you listen very carefully.? (Pick up your ears is also used.)
645 Body and bodily functions Pull someone's leg If you pull someones leg, you tease them, but not maliciously.
646 Body and bodily functions Pull the wool over someone's eyes If you pull the wool over someones eyes, you deceive or cheat them.
647 Body and bodily functions Pull your finger out! (UK) If someone tells you to do this, they want you to hurry up. (Get your finger out is also used.)
648 Body and bodily functions Put a bug in your ear If you put a bug in someones ear, you give him or her a reminder or suggestion relating to a future event.
649 Body and bodily functions Put or get someone's back up If you put or get someones back up, you annoy them.
650 Body and bodily functions Put somebody's nose out of joint If you put someones nose out of joint, you irritate them or make them angry with you.
651 Body and bodily functions Put your best foot forward If you ut your best foot forward, you try your best to do something.
652 Body and bodily functions Put your foot down When someone puts their foot down, they make a firm stand and establish their authority on an issue.
653 Body and bodily functions Put your foot in it If you put your foot in it, you do or say something embarrassing and tactless or get yourself into trouble.
654 Body and bodily functions Put your foot in your mouth If you put your foot in your mouth, you say something stupid or embarrassing.
655 Body and bodily functions Put your hand on your heart If you can out your hand on your heart, then you can say something knowing it to be true.
656 Body and bodily functions Put your heads together If people put their head together, they exchange ideas about something.
657 Body and bodily functions Put your money where your mouth is If someone puts their money where their mouth is, they back up their words with action.
658 Body and bodily functions Put your shoulder to the wheel When you put your shoulder to the wheel, you contribute to an effort.
659 Body and bodily functions Put your thumb on the scales If you put your thumb on the scales, you try to influence the result of something in your favour.
660 Body and bodily functions Rack your brain If you rack your brain, you think very hard when trying to remember something. (Rack your brains is an alternative.)
661 Body and bodily functions Raise eyebrows If something raises eyebrows, it shocks or surprises people.
662 Body and bodily functions Rib tickler A rib tickler is a story or joke that will make you laugh a lot. Alternately, a joke might "tickle your ribs".
663 Body and bodily functions Roll your eyes If you roll your eyes, you show with your eyes that you dont believe someone or arent interested in what theyre saying.
664 Body and bodily functions Rub shoulders If you rub shoulders with people, you meet and spend time with them, especially when they are powerful or famous.
665 Body and bodily functions Rule of thumb Rule of thumb means approximately.
666 Body and bodily functions Run off your feet If you are run off your feet, you are extremely busy and dont have enough time to do everything.
667 Body and bodily functions Run your mouth off If someone runs their mouth off, they talk too much.
668 Body and bodily functions Safe pair of hands A person who can be trusted to do something without causing any trouble is a safe pair of hands.
669 Body and bodily functions Save face If someone saves face, they manage to protect their reputation.
670 Body and bodily functions Save your skin If someone saves their skin, they manage to avoid getting into serious trouble.
671 Body and bodily functions Scales fall from your eyes When the scales fall from your eyes, you suddenly realise the truth about something.
672 Body and bodily functions Scent blood If you can scent blood, you feel that a rival is having difficulties and you are going to beat them.
673 Body and bodily functions Sea legs If you are getting your sea legs, it takes you a while to get used to something new.
674 Body and bodily functions See eye to eye If people see eye to eye, they agree about everything.
675 Body and bodily functions Shake a leg If you shake a leg, you are out of bed and active.? It can be used to tell someone to hurry up.
676 Body and bodily functions Shoot yourself in the foot If you shoot yourself in the foot, you do something that damages your ambition, career, etc.
677 Body and bodily functions Sight for sore eyes Someone or something that is a sight for sore eyes is a pleasure to see.
678 Body and bodily functions Skin and bones If someone is skin and bones, they are very underweight and look bad.
679 Body and bodily functions Skin in the game A person who has skin in the game has invested in the company they are running.
680 Body and bodily functions Skin someone alive If someone skins you alive, they admonish and punish you hard.
681 Body and bodily functions Slap on the wrist If someone gets a slap on the wrist, they get a very minor punishment when they could have been punished more severely.
682 Body and bodily functions Sleight of hand Sleight of hand is the ability to use your hands in a clever way, like a magician performing tricks you cant see.
683 Body and bodily functions Slip of the tongue If you say something accidentally, it is a slip of the tongue.
684 Body and bodily functions Slip through one's fingers If something slips through one’s fingers it escapes or is lost through carelessness.
685 Body and bodily functions Smack in the face If something is a smack in the face, it is a shock, usually one that impedes progress.
686 Body and bodily functions Smooth as a baby's bottom If something is smooth as a babys bottom, it has a regular, flat surface.
687 Body and bodily functions Speak with a forked tongue To say one thing and mean another, to lie, to be two-faced
688 Body and bodily functions Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak If the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, someone lacks the willpower to change things they do because they derive too much pleasure from them.
689 Body and bodily functions Spit blood If someone is spitting blood, they are absolutely furious.
690 Body and bodily functions Spit it out People say this when someone has something to say but is too embarrassed, shy, etc, to say it.
691 Body and bodily functions Split hairs If people split hairs, they concentrate on tiny and unimportant details to find fault with something.
692 Body and bodily functions Stand head and shoulders above It means to stand apart from the rest (in a good way), or to be the best. For example, "With his amazing grasp on the subject, John stood head and shoulders above the rest".
693 Body and bodily functions Stars in your eyes Someone who dreams of being famous has stars in their eyes.
694 Body and bodily functions Step on someone's toes If you step on someones toes, you upset them, especially if you do something that they should be in charge of.
695 Body and bodily functions Stick in your craw If someone or something really annoys you, it is said to stick in your craw.
696 Body and bodily functions Stick out like a sore thumb If something sticks or stands out like a sore thumb, it is clearly and obviously different from the things that are around it.
697 Body and bodily functions Stick your neck out If you stick you neck out, you take a risk because you believe in something.
698 Body and bodily functions Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me To be resistant to criticism.  This is often said to young children upset over the fact that another child called them something that they did not like.
699 Body and bodily functions Sticky fingers The tendency to keep (or steal) an object you touch.? Also, to steal something quickly without anyone noticing. (ex: You stole that guys wallet? You have some sticky fingers, my friend.)
700 Body and bodily functions Stiff upper lip (UK) If you keep your emotions to yourself and dont let others know how you feel when something bad happens, you keep a stiff upper lip.

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