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4601 Weather Cloud nine If you are on cloud nine, you are extremely happy. (cloud seven is a less common alternative)
4602 Weather Cloud of suspicion If a cloud of suspicion hangs over an individual, it means that they are not believed or are distrusted.
4603 Weather Cloud on the horizon If you can see a problem ahead, you can call it a cloud on the horizon.
4604 Weather Cold light of day If you see things in the cold light of day, you see them as they really are, not as you might want them to be.
4605 Weather Colder than a witch's tit If it is colder than a witchs tit, it is extremely cold outside.
4606 Weather Come rain or shine If I say Ill be at a place come rain or shine, I mean that I can be relied on to turn up; nothing, not even the vagaries of British weather, will deter me or stop me from being there.
4607 Weather Doldrums If a person is in the doldrums, they are depressed. If a project or something similar is in the doldrums, it isnt making any progress.
4608 Weather Down in the doldrums If somebodys down in the doldrums, they are depressed and lacking energy.
4609 Weather Dry spell If something or someone is having a dry spell, they arent being as successful as they normally are.
4610 Weather Every cloud has a silver lining People sometimes say that every cloud has a silver lining to comfort somebody whos having problems. They mean that it is always possible to get something positive out of a situation, no matter how unpleasant, difficult or even painful it might seem.
4611 Weather Face like thunder If someone has a face like thunder, they are clearly very angry or upset about something.
4612 Weather Fairweather friend A fairweather friend is the type who is always there when times are good but forgets about you when things get difficult or problems crop up.
4613 Weather Get wind of If you get wind of something, you hear or learn about it, especially if it was meant to be secret.
4614 Weather Go down a storm To say that something has been enjoyable or successful, you can say that it has gone down a storm. Eg. Last nights party went down a storm, it was incredible.
4615 Weather Greased lightning If something or someone moves like greased lightning, they move very fast indeed.
4616 Weather Head is in the clouds If a person has their head in the clouds, they have unrealistic, impractical ideas.
4617 Weather Hit rough weather If you hit rough weather, you experience difficulties or problems.
4618 Weather In a fog If youre in a fog, you are confused, dazed or unaware.
4619 Weather Into each life some rain must fall This means that bad or unfortunate things will happen to everyone at some time.
4620 Weather It never rains but it pours It never rains but it pours means that when things go wrong, they go very wrong.
4621 Weather Jack Frost If everything has frozen in winter, then Jack Frost has visited.
4622 Weather Know which way the wind blows This means that you should know how things are developing and be prepared for the future.
4623 Weather Made in the shade One has an easy time in life or in a given situation. Finding things working to ones benefit.
4624 Weather Not know enough to come in out of the rain Someone who doesnt know enough to come in out of the rain is particularly stupid.
4625 Weather Quiet before the Storm When you know that something is about to go horribly wrong, but hasnt just yet, then you are in the quiet before the storm.
4626 Weather Rain on your parade If someone rains on your parade, they ruin your pleasure or your plans.
4627 Weather Rainy day If you save something, especially money, for a rainy day, you save it for some possible problem or trouble in the future.
4628 Weather Right as rain If things are right as rain, then everything is going well in your life.
4629 Weather Sail close to the wind If you sail close to the wind, you take risks to do something, going close to the limit of what is allowed or acceptable.
4630 Weather Seven sheets to the wind If someone is seven sheets to the wind, they are very drunk.
4631 Weather Shoot the breeze When you shoot the breeze, you chat in a relaxed way.
4632 Weather Silly season The silly season is midsummer when Parliament is closed and nothing much is happening that is newsworthy, which reduces the press to reporting trivial and stupid stories.
4633 Weather Steal someone's thunder If someone steals your thunder, they take the credit and praise for something you did.
4634 Weather Stem the tide If people try to stem the tide, they are trying to stop something unpleasant from getting worse, usually when they dont succeed.
4635 Weather Storm in a teacup If someone exaggerates a problem or makes a small problem seem far greater than it really is, then they are making a storm in a teacup.
4636 Weather Take a raincheck If you take a rain check, you decline an offer now, suggesting you will accept it later. (Raincheck is also used.)
4637 Weather Take by storm To take by storm means to captivate- eg. A new play that took New York City by storm.
4638 Weather Tempest in a teapot If people exaggerate the seriousness of a situation or problem, they are making a tempest in a teapot.
4639 Weather Throw caution to the wind When people throw caution to the wind, they take a great risk.
4640 Weather Twisting in the wind If you are twisting in the wind, you are without help or support - you are on your own.
4641 Weather Under a cloud If someone is suspected of having done something wrong, they are under a cloud.
4642 Weather Under the weather If you are feeling a bit ill, sad or lack energy, you are under the weather.
4643 Weather Wait for a raindrop in the drought When someone is waiting for a raindrop in the drought, they are waiting or hoping for something that is extremely unlikely to happen.
4644 Weather Weather a storm If you weather a storm, you get through a crisis or hard times.
4645 Weather When it rains, it pours This idiom means that when things go wrong, a lot of things go wrong at the same time.
4646 Weather White as snow If something or someone is as white as snow, they are perfect or completely uncorrupted and honest.

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