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4301 Sex and sexuality Marriage of convenience A marriage of convenience is a marriage or commitment made for financial, social or other benefit rather than love, affection, etc.
4302 Sex and sexuality On the game (UK) A person who is on the game works as a prostitute.
4303 Sex and sexuality On the rebound If someone is on the rebound, their relationship has recently ended and they are emotionally unstable.
4304 Sex and sexuality Play the field Someone who plays the field has sexual relationships with many people.
4305 Sex and sexuality Shotgun marriage A shotgun marriage, or shotgun wedding, is one that is forced because of pregnancy. It is also used idiomatically for a compromise, agreement or arrangement that is forced upon groups or people by necessity.
4306 Sex and sexuality Up the duff (UK) If a woman is up the duff, shes pregnant.
4307 Sex and sexuality Up the stick (UK) If a woman is up the stick, shes pregnant.
4308 Sex and sexuality Virgin territory If something is virgin territory, it hasnt been explored before.
4309 Sex and sexuality X-rated If something is x-rated, it is not suitable for children.
4310 Sport A lost ball in the high weeds A lost ball in the high weeds is someone who does not know what they are doing, where they are or how to do something.
4311 Sport Ahead of the pack If you are ahead of the pack, you have made more progress than your rivals.
4312 Sport Argue the toss (UK) If you argue the toss, you refuse to accept a decision and argue about it.
4313 Sport Armchair quarterback (USA) An armchair quarterback is someone who offers advice, especially about football, but never shows that they could actually do any better.
4314 Sport Ball is in your court If the ball is in your court, it is up to you to make the next decision or step.
4315 Sport Batting a thousand (USA) (from baseball) It means to do something perfectly.
4316 Sport Be out in left field (USA) To be out in left field is not to know whats going on. Taken from baseball, when youngsters assign less capable players to the outfield where the ball is less likely to be hit by a young player. In business, one might say, Dont ask the new manager; hes out in left field and doesnt know any answers yet.
4317 Sport Beat to the punch If you beat someone to the punch, you act before them and gain an advantage.
4318 Sport Below par If something isnt up to standard, or someone isnt feeling or doing very well, they are below par.
4319 Sport Below the belt If someone says something that is cruel or unfair, it is below the belt, like the illegal punches in boxing.
4320 Sport Big hitter A big hitter is someone who commands a lot of respect and is very important in their field.
4321 Sport Blind-sided If you are blind-sided, an event with a negative impact takes you completely by surprise.
4322 Sport Blow by blow A blow-by-blow description gives every detail in sequence.
4323 Sport Box clever (UK) If you box clever, you use your intelligence to get what you want, even if you have to cheat a bit.
4324 Sport Break your duck (UK) If you break your duck, you do something for the first time.
4325 Sport Can't get to 1st base If you cant get to first base, youre having difficulties starting something.
4326 Sport Come to grips If you come to grips with a problem or issue, you face up to it and deal with it.
4327 Sport Cover all the bases If you cover all the bases, you deal with all aspects of a situation or issue, or anticipate all possibilities. (Cover all bases is also used.)
4328 Sport Curve ball (USA) If something is a curve ball, it is deceptive.
4329 Sport Dead heat If a race ends in a dead heat, two or more finish with exactly the same result.
4330 Sport Do a Devon Loch (UK) If someone does a Devon Loch, they fail when they were very close to winning. Devon Loch was a horse that collapsed just short of the winning line of the Grand National race.
4331 Sport Down for the count If someone is down for the count, they have lost a struggle, like a boxer who has been knocked out.
4332 Sport Drop the ball If someone drops the ball, they are not doing their job or taking their responsibilities seriously enough and let something go wrong.
4333 Sport Early bath (UK) If someone has or goes for an early bath, they quit or lose their job or position earlier than expected because things have gone wrong.
4334 Sport Fall at the first fence If something falls at the first fence, it goes wrong or fails at the first or an early stage.
4335 Sport Fall at the first hurdle If something falls at the first hurdle, it goes wrong or fails at the first or an early stage.
4336 Sport Fever pitch When a situation has reached fever
4337 Sport Fighting chance If you have a fighting chance, you have a reasonable possibility of success.
4338 Sport First out of the gate When someone is first out of the gate, they are the first to do something that others are trying to do.
4339 Sport Football's a game of two halves (UK) If somethings a game of two halves, it means that its possible for someones fortunes or luck to change and the person whos winning could end up a loser.
4340 Sport Foul play If the police suspect foul play, they think a crime was committed.
4341 Sport Get the ball rolling If you get the ball rolling, you start something so that it can start making progress.
4342 Sport Get to grips If you get to grips with something, you take control and do it properly.
4343 Sport Get your skates on This is used as a way of telling people to hurry up.
4344 Sport Go down without a fight If someone goes down without a fight, they surrender without putting up any resistance.
4345 Sport Go the distance If you go the distance, you continue until something ends, no matter how difficult.
4346 Sport Hat trick Three successes one after the other is a hat trick.
4347 Sport Have someone in your corner If you have someone in your corner, you have their support or help.
4348 Sport Hit the bull's-eye If someone hits the bulls-eye, they are exactly right about something or achieve the best result possible. "Bulls-eye" and "bullseye" are alternative spellings.
4349 Sport Hit the mark If someone hits the mark, they are right about something.
4350 Sport Home stretch The home stretch is the last part of something, like a journey, race or project.
4351 Sport Hook, line, and sinker If somebody accepts or believes something hook, line, and sinker, they accept it completely.
4352 Sport Horses for courses Horses for courses means that what is suitable for one person or situation might be unsuitable for another.
4353 Sport In the ballpark This means that something is close to the adequate or required value.?
4354 Sport Jockey for position If a number of people want the same opportunity and are struggling to emerge as the most likely candidate, they are jockeying for position.
4355 Sport Jump the gun If you jump the gun, you start doing something before the appropriate time.
4356 Sport Keep your eye on the ball If you keep your eye on the ball, you stay alert and pay close attention to what is happening.
4357 Sport Kicked to touch Touch is a zone of the playing field in Rugby. Kicked to touch means the ball was put safely out of play. Idiomatic usage usually means a person has deftly avoided an issue in argument.
4358 Sport Level playing field If theres a level playing field everybody is treated equally.
4359 Sport Major league Something major league is very important.
4360 Sport Monday morning quarterback (USA) A Monday morning quarterback is someone who, with the benefit of hindsight, knows what should have been done in a situation.
4361 Sport Move the goalposts When people move the goalposts, they change the standards required for something to their advantage.
4362 Sport No harm, no foul Theres no problem when no harm or damage is done, such as the time my sister-in-law stole the name wed chosen for a boy and we both ended up having girls.
4363 Sport No holds barred If there are no holds barred, there are no rules of conduct; you can do anything.
4364 Sport Not cricket (UK) If something is not cricket, it is unfair.
4365 Sport Off the mark If something is off the mark, it is inaccurate or incorrect.
4366 Sport On the ball If someones on the ball, they are well-informed and know whats going on in their area of responsibility or interest.
4367 Sport On the mound (USA) If youre on the mound, youre
4368 Sport On the nod (UK) When a horse runs, its head moves backwards and forwards alternately - in horse racing, if 2 horses cross the line together the one whose head happens to be going forward often wins and is said to win on the nod.
4369 Sport On the ropes When something or someone is on the ropes, it or they are doing badly and likely to fail.
4370 Sport Out of the gate running If someone comes out of the gate running, they start something at a fast pace, without any build-up.
4371 Sport Out of the left field (USA) If something comes out of the left field, it is beside the point and has nothing to do with the matter being discussed.
4372 Sport Par for the course If something is par for the course, it is what you expected it would be. If it is above par, it is better, and if it is below par, it is worse.
4373 Sport Photo finish A photo finish is when two contestants (usually in a race) finish at almost exactly the same time, making it difficult to determine the winner. (The saying stems from the practice of taking a photograph when the winners cross the finish line to determine who was ahead at the time.)
4374 Sport Pick-up game (USA) A pick-up game is something unplanned where people respond to events as they happen.
4375 Sport Play ball If you play ball, you agree to do what someone asks you to do, or to agree to work with someone in order to achieve something together (often negative)
4376 Sport Play hardball If someone plays hardball, they are very aggressive in trying to achieve their aim.
4377 Sport Pull no punches If you pull no punches, you hold nothing back.
4378 Sport Pull your punches If you pull your punches, you do not use all the power or authority at your disposal.
4379 Sport Punching bag A punching bag (or punch bag) is a person who gets a lot of unfair criticism.
4380 Sport Quick off the mark If someone is quick off the mark, they are very quick to use, start or do something new.
4381 Sport Right out of the blocks This means immediately; at the very beginning.? It describes a sprinter blasting out of the starting blocks at the beginning of a short distance race (e.g., 100-yard dash, 50-yard dash).
4382 Sport Ringside seat If you have a ringside seat, you can observe something from a very close and clear position.
4383 Sport Roll with the punches If you roll with the punches, you are flexible and able to adapt to difficult circumstances.
4384 Sport Saved by the bell If you are saved by the bell, you are rescued from a danger or a tricky situation just in time.
4385 Sport Sticky wicket (UK) If you are on a sticky wicket, you are in a difficult situation.
4386 Sport Still in the game If someone is still in the game, they may be having troubles competing, but they are not yet finished and may come back.
4387 Sport Succeed in the clutch If you succeed in the clutch, you? perform at a crucial time; it is particularly used in sports for the decisive moments of the game.? The opposite is fail in the clutch.
4388 Sport Tackle an issue If you tackle an issue or problem, you resolve or deal with it.
4389 Sport Take a punch If somebody takes a blow, something bad happens to them.
4390 Sport Take your eye off the ball If someone takes their eye off the ball, they dont concentrate on something important that they should be looking at.
4391 Sport Tale of the tape This idiom is used when comparing things, especially in sports; it comes from boxing where the fighters would be measured with a tape measure before a fight.
4392 Sport The ball's in your court If somebody says this to you, they mean that its up to you to decide or take the next step.
4393 Sport Throw a curve (USA) If you throw someone a curve, you surprise them with something they find difficult to deal with. (Throw a curveball is also used.)?
4394 Sport Throw in the towel If you throw in the towel, you admit that you are defeated or cannot do something.
4395 Sport Whole new ball game If somethings a whole new ball game, it is completely new or different.
4396 Sport Wide of the mark If something is wide of the mark, it is inaccurate or incorrect.
4397 Technology & science All-singing, all-dancing If somethings all-singing, all-dancing, it is the latest version with the most up-to-date features.
4398 Technology & science Bells and whistles Bells and whistles are attractive features that things like computer programs have, though often a bit unnecessary.
4399 Technology & science Blow a fuse If you blow a fuse, you become uncontrollably angry.
4400 Technology & science Cog in the machine A person who does an unimportant job in a large company or organisation is a cog in the machine.

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