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3001 Body and bodily functions Skin and bones If someone is skin and bones, they are very underweight and look bad.
3002 Body and bodily functions Skin in the game A person who has skin in the game has invested in the company they are running.
3003 Body and bodily functions Skin someone alive If someone skins you alive, they admonish and punish you hard.
3004 Body and bodily functions Slap on the wrist If someone gets a slap on the wrist, they get a very minor punishment when they could have been punished more severely.
3005 Body and bodily functions Sleight of hand Sleight of hand is the ability to use your hands in a clever way, like a magician performing tricks you cant see.
3006 Body and bodily functions Slip of the tongue If you say something accidentally, it is a slip of the tongue.
3007 Body and bodily functions Slip through one's fingers If something slips through one’s fingers it escapes or is lost through carelessness.
3008 Body and bodily functions Smack in the face If something is a smack in the face, it is a shock, usually one that impedes progress.
3009 Body and bodily functions Smooth as a baby's bottom If something is smooth as a babys bottom, it has a regular, flat surface.
3010 Body and bodily functions Speak with a forked tongue To say one thing and mean another, to lie, to be two-faced
3011 Body and bodily functions Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak If the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, someone lacks the willpower to change things they do because they derive too much pleasure from them.
3012 Body and bodily functions Spit blood If someone is spitting blood, they are absolutely furious.
3013 Body and bodily functions Spit it out People say this when someone has something to say but is too embarrassed, shy, etc, to say it.
3014 Body and bodily functions Split hairs If people split hairs, they concentrate on tiny and unimportant details to find fault with something.
3015 Body and bodily functions Stand head and shoulders above It means to stand apart from the rest (in a good way), or to be the best. For example, "With his amazing grasp on the subject, John stood head and shoulders above the rest".
3016 Body and bodily functions Stars in your eyes Someone who dreams of being famous has stars in their eyes.
3017 Body and bodily functions Step on someone's toes If you step on someones toes, you upset them, especially if you do something that they should be in charge of.
3018 Body and bodily functions Stick in your craw If someone or something really annoys you, it is said to stick in your craw.
3019 Body and bodily functions Stick out like a sore thumb If something sticks or stands out like a sore thumb, it is clearly and obviously different from the things that are around it.
3020 Body and bodily functions Stick your neck out If you stick you neck out, you take a risk because you believe in something.
3021 Body and bodily functions Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me To be resistant to criticism.
3022 Body and bodily functions Sticky fingers The tendency to keep (or steal) an object you touch.? Also, to steal something quickly without anyone noticing. (ex: You stole that guys wallet? You have some sticky fingers, my friend.)
3023 Body and bodily functions Stiff upper lip (UK) If you keep your emotions to yourself and dont let others know how you feel when something bad happens, you keep a stiff upper lip.
3024 Body and bodily functions Stiff-necked A stiff-necked person is rather formal and finds it hard to relax in company.
3025 Body and bodily functions Stir the blood If something stirs your blood, it arouses feelings or passions,.
3026 Body and bodily functions Stone deaf Someone who is stone deaf is completely deaf.
3027 Body and bodily functions Straight face If someone keeps a straight face, they remain serious and do not show emotion or amusement.
3028 Body and bodily functions Straight from the shoulder If someone talks straight from the shoulder, they talk honestly and plainly.
3029 Body and bodily functions Strain every nerve If you strain every nerve, you make a great effort to achieve something.
3030 Body and bodily functions Stuffed to the gills If someone is stuffed to the gills, they have eaten a lot and are very full.
3031 Body and bodily functions Suck hind teat A person who sucks hind teat is at a disadvantage or considered worse or less important that others.
3032 Body and bodily functions Sweat blood If you sweat blood, you make an extraordinary effort to achieve something.
3033 Body and bodily functions Sweep off your feet If you are swept off your feet, you lose control emotionally when you fall in love or are really impressed.
3034 Body and bodily functions Sweet tooth If you have a sweet tooth, you like eating food with sugar in it.
3035 Body and bodily functions Take a nosedive When things take a nosedive, they decline very quickly and head towards disaster.
3036 Body and bodily functions Take by the scruff of the neck If you take something by the scruff on the neck, you take complete control of it.
3037 Body and bodily functions Take guts If something takes guts, it requires courage in the face of danger or great risk. It takes guts for firemen to enter a burning building to save someone.
3038 Body and bodily functions Take it on the chin If you take something on the chin, something bad happens to you and you take it directly without fuss.
3039 Body and bodily functions Take someone under your wing If you take someone under your wing, you look after them while they are learning something.
3040 Body and bodily functions Talk a glass eye to sleep Someone who could talk a glass eye to sleep is very boring and repetitive.
3041 Body and bodily functions Talk out of the back of your head If someone is talking out of the back of their head, they are talking rubbish.
3042 Body and bodily functions Taste blood If someone has tasted blood, they have achieved something and are encouraged to think that victory is within their grasp.
3043 Body and bodily functions Tear your hair out If someone is tearing their hair out, they are extremely worried or agitated about something.
3044 Body and bodily functions Tears before bedtime (UK) This idiom is used when something seems certain to go wrong or cause trouble.
3045 Body and bodily functions Teething problems (UK) The problems that a project has when it is starting are the teething problems.
3046 Body and bodily functions Thick-skinned If a person is thick-skinned, they are not affected by criticism.
3047 Body and bodily functions Thin-skinned If somebody is thin-skinned, they are very sensitive to any sort of criticism.
3048 Body and bodily functions Through gritted teeth If you do something through gritted teeth, you accept or agree with it against your will and it is obvious to others how you really feel.
3049 Body and bodily functions Throw someone a bone If you throw someone a bone, you give them a small reward or some kind words to make them feel good even if theyve not really contributed much.
3050 Body and bodily functions Thumb your nose at If you thumb your nose at something, you reject it or scorn it.
3051 Body and bodily functions Thumbs down & thumbs up If something gets the thumbs up, it gets approval, while the thumbs down means disapproval.
3052 Body and bodily functions Tongue in cheek If something is tongue in cheek, it isnt serious or meant to be taken seriously.
3053 Body and bodily functions Tongue-lashing If you give someone a tongue-lashing, you scold them.
3054 Body and bodily functions Tongue-tied If someone is tongue-tied, they are speechless or cannot
3055 Body and bodily functions Tread on someone's toes If you tread on someones toes, you upset them, especially if you do something that they should be in charge of.
3056 Body and bodily functions Tug at the heartstrings f something tugs at the heartstrings, it makes you feel sad or sympathetic towards it.
3057 Body and bodily functions Turn a blind eye When people turn a blind eye, they deliberately ignore something, especially if people are doing something wrong.
3058 Body and bodily functions Turn a deaf ear If someone turns a deaf ear to you, they dont listen to you.
3059 Body and bodily functions Turn something on its head If you turn something on its head, you turn it upside down or reverse it.
3060 Body and bodily functions Turn the other cheek If you turn the other cheek, you are humble and do not retaliate or get outwardly angry when someone offends or hurts you, in fact, you give them the opportunity to re-offend instead and compound their unpleasantness.
3061 Body and bodily functions Turn your nose up If someone turns their nose up at something, they reject it or look odwn on it because they dont think it is good enough for them.
3062 Body and bodily functions Twinkling of an eye If something happens in the twinkling of an eye, it happens very quickly.
3063 Body and bodily functions Twist someone's arm If you twist someones arm, you put pressure on them to try to make them do what you want them to do.
3064 Body and bodily functions Two left feet A person with two left feet cant dance.
3065 Body and bodily functions Under your nose If something happens right in front of you, especially if it is surprising or audacious, it happens under your nose.
3066 Body and bodily functions Under your skin If someone gets under your skin, they really annoy you.
3067 Body and bodily functions Under your thumb Someone who is manipulated or controlled by another person is under his or her thumb.
3068 Body and bodily functions Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown This means that people with serious responsibilities have a heavy burden.
3069 Body and bodily functions Up to the eyes You you are up to your eyes in something, you are deeply involved or to have too much of something like work. (Up the neck, up to the eyeballs and up to the ears are also used.)
3070 Body and bodily functions Up to the neck If someones in something up to the neck, they are very involved in it, especially when its something wrong.
3071 Body and bodily functions Up to your eyes When youve got too much work to do, youre up to your eyes in it.
3072 Body and bodily functions Up to your neck If someone is very involved in something, they are up to their neck in it, especially if it is something bad or immoral.
3073 Body and bodily functions Upper hand If you have the upper hand, you have the advantage.
3074 Body and bodily functions Vent your spleen If someone vents their spleen, they release all their anger about something.
3075 Body and bodily functions Volte-face If you do a volte-face on something, you make a sudden and complete change in your stance or position over an issue.
3076 Body and bodily functions Warm the cockles of your heart If something warms the cockles of your heart, it makes you feel happy.
3077 Body and bodily functions Warts and all If you like someone warts and all, you like them with all their faults.
3078 Body and bodily functions Wash your hands of something If you wash your hands of something, you disassociate yourself and accept no responsibility for what will happen.
3079 Body and bodily functions Waste of skin If a person is referred to as a waste of skin, it means he is not worth very much.
3080 Body and bodily functions Watch your back If someone is after your job, or wants to harm you in any way, you need to "watch your back" to metaphorically see what is going on behind you
3081 Body and bodily functions Weak at the knees If people go weak at the knees, they have a powerful emotional reaction to something and feel that they might fall over.
3082 Body and bodily functions Wear your heart on your sleeve Someone who wears their heart on their sleeve shows their emotions and feelings publicly.
3083 Body and bodily functions Weight off your shoulders If something is a weight off your shoulders, you have relieved yourself of a burden, normally a something that has been troubling you or worrying you.
3084 Body and bodily functions Wet behind the ears Someone who is wet behind the ears is either very young or inexperienced.
3085 Body and bodily functions Win by a nose If somebody wins by a nose, they only just beat the others.
3086 Body and bodily functions Wipe the smile of someone's face If you wipe the smile of someones face, you do something to make someone feel less pleased with themselves.
3087 Body and bodily functions Word of mouth If something becomes known by word of mouth, it is because people are talking about it, not through publicity, etc.
3088 Body and bodily functions Work your fingers to the bone If you work your fingers to the bone, you work extremely hard on something.
3089 Body and bodily functions Work your tail off If you work your tail off, you work extremely hard.
3090 Body and bodily functions World at your feet If everything is going well and the future looks full of opportunity, you have the world at your feet.
3091 Body and bodily functions Written all over your face If someone has done something wrong or secret, but cannot hide it in their expression, it is written all over their face.
3092 Body and bodily functions Wrong foot If you start something on the wrong foot, you start badly.
3093 Body and bodily functions You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours This idiom means that if you do something for me, Ill return the favour.
3094 Body and bodily functions You've got rocks in your head (USA) Someone who has acted with a lack of intelligence has rocks in their head.
3095 Body and bodily functions Young blood Young people with new ideas and fresh approaches are young blood.
3096 Body and bodily functions Your belly button is bigger than your stomach If your belly button is bigger than your stomach, you take on more responsibilities than you can handle.
3097 Body and bodily functions Zip your lip If someone tells you to zip your lip, they want to to shut up or keep quiet about something. (Zip it is also used.)
3098 Buildings & construction A bridge too far A bridge too far is an act of overreaching- going too far and getting into trouble or failing.
3099 Buildings & construction Back to the wall If you have your back to the wall, you are in a difficult situation with very little room for manoeuvre.
3100 Buildings & construction Behind closed doors If something happens away from the public eye, it happens behind closed doors.

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