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2801 Body and bodily functions Get your hands dirty If you get your hands dirty, you become involved in something where the realities might compromise your principles. It can also mean that a person is not just stuck in an ivory tower dictating strategy, but is prepared to put in the effort and hard work to make the details actually happen.
2802 Body and bodily functions Get your head around something If you get your head around something, you come to understand it even though it is difficult to comprehend.
2803 Body and bodily functions Get your teeth into If you get your teeth into something, you become involved in or do something that is intellectually challenging or satisfying.? (Dig you teeth into and sink your teeth into are also used.)
2804 Body and bodily functions Gird one's loins If you gird your loins, you prepare for conflict or a difficult time.
2805 Body and bodily functions Give a big hand Applaud by clapping hands. Lets give all the contestents a big hand.
2806 Body and bodily functions Give me a hand If someone gives you a hand, they help you.
2807 Body and bodily functions Give someone a leg up If you give someone a leg up, you help them to achieve something that they couldnt have done alone.
2808 Body and bodily functions Give the nod (UK) If you give the nod to something, you approve it or give permission to do it.
2809 Body and bodily functions Give your eye teeth If you really want something and would be prepared to sacrifice a lot to get it, you would give your eye teeth for it.
2810 Body and bodily functions Go for the jugular If you go for the jugular, you attack someone where they are most vulnerable.
2811 Body and bodily functions Go hand in hand If things go hand in hand, they are associated and go together.
2812 Body and bodily functions Go to your head If something goes to your head, it makes you feel vain.? If alcohol goes to your head, it makes you feel drunk quickly.
2813 Body and bodily functions Good hand If you are a good hand at something, you do it well.
2814 Body and bodily functions Grease someone's palm If you grease someones palm, you bribe them to do something.
2815 Body and bodily functions Great minds think alike If two people have the same thought at the same time, one of them might say "Great minds think alike."
2816 Body and bodily functions Growing pains If a business is going through some growing pains, it is experiencing the typical problems that arise when a company becomes stronger and bigger.
2817 Body and bodily functions Hairy at the heel (UK) Someone who is hairy at the heel is dangerous or untrustworthy.
2818 Body and bodily functions Hale and hearty Someone who is hale and hearty is in very good health.
2819 Body and bodily functions Half a mind If you have half a mind to do something, you havent decided to do it, but are thinking seriously about doing it.
2820 Body and bodily functions Hand in hand Hand in hand= work together closely When people in a group, say in an office or in a project, work together with mutual understanding to achieve the target, we say they work hand in hand. There is no lack of co-operation and each synchoranises the activity with that of the other.
2821 Body and bodily functions Hand to mouth Someone whos living from hand to mouth, is very poor and needs the little money they have coming in to cover their expenses.
2822 Body and bodily functions Hands down If someone is better hands down than everyone else, they are much better.
2823 Body and bodily functions Handwriting like chicken scratch If your handwriting is very hard to read, it is like chicken scratch.
2824 Body and bodily functions Have a foot in both camps Someone who plays a part or who is involved in two different groups of people, opinions, ways of thinking or living, etc, has a foot in both camps.
2825 Body and bodily functions Have a heart If someone has a heart, they arekind and sympathetic.? If you say, Have a heart to someone, you are asking them to be understanding and sympathetic.
2826 Body and bodily functions Have the guts Someone who has enough courage to do something has the guts to do it.
2827 Body and bodily functions Have your tail up If someone has their tail up, they are optimistic and expect to be successful.
2828 Body and bodily functions Head is mince (Scot) When someones thoughts are in a state of abject confusion, especially when facing a severe dilemma, their head is mince.
2829 Body and bodily functions Head nor tail If you cant make head nor tail of something, you cannot understand it at all or make any sense of it.
2830 Body and bodily functions Head on a spike If someone wants a head on a spike, they want to be able to destroy or really punish a person.
2831 Body and bodily functions Head on the block If someones head is on the block, they are going to be held responsible and suffer the consequences for something that has gone wrong.
2832 Body and bodily functions Head over heels in love When someone falls passionately in love and is intoxicated by the feeling has fallen head over heels in love.
2833 Body and bodily functions Heads will roll If heads will roll, people will be punished or sacked for something that has gone wrong.
2834 Body and bodily functions Heart in the right place If someones heart is in the right place, they are good and kind, though they might not always appear to be so.
2835 Body and bodily functions Heart in your boots If youre heart is in your boots, you are very unhappy.
2836 Body and bodily functions Heart in your mouth If your heart is in your mouth, then you feel nervous or scared.
2837 Body and bodily functions Heart isn't in it If your heart is not in something, then you dont really believe in it or support it.
2838 Body and bodily functions Heart misses a beat If your heart misses a beat, you are suddenly shocked or surprised. (Heart skips a beat is an alternative)
2839 Body and bodily functions Heart of glass When someone has a heart of glass, they are easily affected emotionally.
2840 Body and bodily functions Heart of steel When someone has a heart of steel, they do not show emotion or are not affected emotionally.
2841 Body and bodily functions Heart-to-heart A heart-to-heart is a frank and honest conversation with someone, where you talk honestly and plainly about issues, no matter how painful.
2842 Body and bodily functions Hide nor hair When theres no trace of something or a person, you havent seen hide nor hair of it or them.(Neither hide nor hair is also used.)
2843 Body and bodily functions Hit a nerve If something hits a nerve, it upsets someone or causes them pain, often when it is something they are trying to hide.
2844 Body and bodily functions Hold your tongue If you hold your tongue, you keep silent even though you want to speak.
2845 Body and bodily functions Hollow leg Someone who has a hollow leg eats what seems to be more than his stomach can hold.
2846 Body and bodily functions Home is where you lay your hat Wherever you are comfortable and at ease with yourself is your home, regardless where you were born or brought up.(Home is where you lay your head? and Home is where you hang your hat are also used.)
2847 Body and bodily functions Hot foot If you hot foot it out of a place, you leave very quickly, often running.
2848 Body and bodily functions Hot-blooded Someone who is hot-blooded is easily excitable or passionate.
2849 Body and bodily functions Hot-headed A hot-headed person gets angry very easily. (The noun hothead can also be used.)
2850 Body and bodily functions I've got a bone to pick with you If somebody says this, they mean that they have some complaint to make against the person they are addressing.
2851 Body and bodily functions In a heartbeat If something happens very quickly or immediately, it happens in a heartbeat.
2852 Body and bodily functions In cold blood If something is done in cold blood, it is done ruthlessly, without any emotion.
2853 Body and bodily functions In one ear and out the other If something goes in one ear and out the other, you forget it as soon as youve heard it because it was too complicated, boring etc.
2854 Body and bodily functions In over your head If someone is in over their head, they are out of the depth in something they are involved in, and may end up in a mess.
2855 Body and bodily functions In that vein If you do something in that (or this) vein, you do it in the same distinctive manner or style.
2856 Body and bodily functions In the face of If people act in the face of something, they do it despite it or when threatened by it.
2857 Body and bodily functions In the flesh If you meet or see someone in the flesh you actually meet or see them, rather than seeing them on TV or in other media.
2858 Body and bodily functions In the lap of luxury People in the lap of luxury are very wealthy and have have everything that money can buy.
2859 Body and bodily functions In the twinkling of an eye If something happens in the twinkling of an eye, it happens very quickly.
2860 Body and bodily functions In your blood A trait or liking that is deeply ingrained in someones personality and unlikely to change is in their blood.? A similar idiom is in his DNA.
2861 Body and bodily functions In your face If someone is in your face, they are direct and confrontational. (It is sometime written in yer facecolloquially)
2862 Body and bodily functions Iron fist Someone who rules or controls something with an iron fist is in absolute control and tolerates no dissent. An iron fist in a velvet glove is used to describe someone who appears soft on the outside, but underneath is very hard. Mailed fist is an alternative form.
2863 Body and bodily functions It cost an arm and a leg If something costs an arm and a leg, it is very expensive indeed.
2864 Body and bodily functions Itchy feet One gets itchy feet when one has been in one place for a time and wants to travel.
2865 Body and bodily functions Joined at the hip If people are joined at the hip, they are very closely connected and think the same way.
2866 Body and bodily functions Jump down someone's throat If you jump down someones throat, you criticise or chastise them severely.
2867 Body and bodily functions Keep body and soul together If you earn enough to cover your basic expenses, but nothing more than that, you earn enough to keep body and soul together.
2868 Body and bodily functions Keep someone at arm's length If you keep someone or something at arms length, you keep a safe distance away from them.
2869 Body and bodily functions Keep someone on their toes If you keep someone on their toes, you make sure that they concentrate on what they are supposed to do.
2870 Body and bodily functions Keep your chin up (UK) This expression is used to tell someone to have confidence.
2871 Body and bodily functions Keep your ear to the ground If you keep your ear to the ground, you try to keep informed about something, especially if there are rumours or uncertainties.
2872 Body and bodily functions Keep your eye on the prize This means that you should keep your focus on achieving a positive end result.
2873 Body and bodily functions Keep your eyes peeled If you keep your eyes peeled, you stay alert or watchful.
2874 Body and bodily functions Keep your fingers crossed If you are keeping your fingers crossed, you are hoping for a positive outcome.
2875 Body and bodily functions Keep your hair on Keep your hair on is advice telling someone to keep calm and not to over-react or get angry.
2876 Body and bodily functions Keep your head If you keep your head, you stay calm in times of difficulty.
2877 Body and bodily functions Keep your head above water If you are just managing to survive financially, you are keeping your head above water.
2878 Body and bodily functions Keep your nose clean If someone is trying to keep their Nose Clean, they are trying to stay out of trouble by not getting involved in any sort of wrong-doing.
2879 Body and bodily functions Keep your nose to the grindstone If you keep your nose to the grindstone, you work hard and seriously.
2880 Body and bodily functions Kick in the teeth Bad news or a sudden disappointment are a kick in the teeth.
2881 Body and bodily functions Knee-jerk reaction A knee-jerk reaction is an instant, instinctive response to a situation.
2882 Body and bodily functions Knit your brows If you knit your brows, you frown or look worried.
2883 Body and bodily functions Knock something on the head If you knock something on the head, you stop it or stop doing it.
2884 Body and bodily functions Lead with the chin If someone leads with their chin, they speak or behave without fear of the consequences.
2885 Body and bodily functions Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing If the left hand doesnt know what the right hand is doing, then communication within a company, organisation, group, etc, is so bad that people dont know what the others are doing.
2886 Body and bodily functions Left-handed compliment A left-handed compliment is one that sounds like praise but has an insulting meaning. (Backhanded compliment is an alternative form.)
2887 Body and bodily functions Lend an ear If you lend an ear, you listen to what someone has to say. (Lend your ear is an alternative form.)
2888 Body and bodily functions Let your hair down If someone lets their hair down, they relax and stop feeling inhibited or shy.
2889 Body and bodily functions Light on your feet If someone is light on their feet, they can move quickly and are agile.
2890 Body and bodily functions Like pulling teeth If something if like pulling teeth, it is very difficult, especially if trying to extract information or to get a straight answer from someone.
2891 Body and bodily functions Like the back of your hand If you know something like the back of your hand, you know it very well indeed.
2892 Body and bodily functions Lily-livered Someone who is lily-livered is a coward.
2893 Body and bodily functions Lip service When people pay lip service to something, they express their respect, but they dont act on their words, so the respect is hollow and empty.
2894 Body and bodily functions Little pitchers have big ears (USA) This means that children hear more and understand the world around them better than many adults realize.
2895 Body and bodily functions Long face Someone with a long face is sad or depressed about something.
2896 Body and bodily functions Long in the tooth If someone is long in the tooth, they are a bit too old to do something.
2897 Body and bodily functions Loose lips sink ships To have loose lips means to have a big mouth, susceptible to talking about everything and everyone. Sinking ships refers to anything from small acquaintances to long and hearty relationships (with friends or a significant other). So when one says loose lips sink ships, one is basically saying if you cant shut up you are going to end hurting people, usually psychologically or emotionally.Loose lips sink ships comes from World War I and/or WWII, when sailors on leave from their ships might talk about what ship they sailed on or where it had come from, or where it was going. If they talked too much (had loose lips) they might accidentally provide the enemy with anecdotal information that might later cause their ship to be tracked, and bombed and sunk, hence Loose lips sink ships. Later, it came to mean any excessive talk might sabotage a project.
2898 Body and bodily functions Lose face To lose ones reputation or standing is to lose face
2899 Body and bodily functions Make a better fist If someone makes a better fist of doing something, they do a better job.
2900 Body and bodily functions Make a clean breast If someone makes a clean breast, they confess in full to something they have done.

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