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1101 Death Pen is mightier than the sword The idiom the pen is mightier than the sword means that words and communication are more powerful than wars and fighting.
1102 Death Sick to death If you are sick to death of something, you have been exposed to so much of it that you cannot take any more.
1103 Death Skeleton in the closet If someone has a skeleton in the closet, they have a dark, shameful secret in their past that they want to remain secret.
1104 Death Sticky end (UK) If someone comes to a sticky end, they die in an unpleasant way. (Meet a sticky end is also used.)
1105 Death Stone dead This idiom is a way of emphasizing that there were absolutely no signs of life or movement.
1106 Death Those who live by the sword die by the sword This means that violent people will be treated violently themselves.
1107 Death Watery grave If someone has gone to a watery grave, they have drowned.
1108 Death Whistling past the graveyard (USA) If someone is whistling past the graveyard, they are trying to remain cheerful in difficult circumstances. (Whistling past the cemetery is also used.)
1109 Drinking and pubs Bar fly A bar fly is a person who spends a lot of time drinking in different bars and pubs.
1110 Drinking and pubs Beer and skittles (UK) People say that life is not all beer and skittles, meaning that it is not about self-indulgence and pleasure.
1111 Drinking and pubs Champagne taste on a beer budget Someone who lives above their means and likes things they cannot afford has champagne taste on a beer budget.
1112 Drinking and pubs Decorate the mahogany (USA) When someone buys a round a pub or bar, they decorate the mahogany; putting cash on the bar.
1113 Drinking and pubs Drown your sorrows If someone gets drunk or drinks a lot to try to stop feeling unhappy, they drown their sorrows.
1114 Drinking and pubs Drunk as a lord (UK) Someone who is very drunk is as drunk as a lord.
1115 Drinking and pubs One over the eight (UK) Someone who has had one over the eight is very drunk indeed. It refers to the standard eight pints that most people drink and feel is enough.
1116 Drinking and pubs Quart into a pint pot (UK) If you try to put or get a quart into a pint pot, you try to put too much in a small space. (1 quart = 2 pints)
1117 Drinking and pubs Small beer If something is small beer, its unimportant.
1118 Drinking and pubs Three sheets in the wind (UK) Someone who is three sheets in the wind is very drunk. (Three sheets to the wind is also used.? Seven sheets is an alternative number used.)
1119 Drinking and pubs Three sheets to the wind If someone is three sheets to the wind, they are drunk.
1120 Drinking and pubs Tired and emotional (UK) This idiom is a euphemism used to mean drunk, especially when talking about politicians.
1121 Drinking and pubs Turn water into wine If someone turns water into wine, they transform something bad into something excellent.
1122 Drinking and pubs Well-oiled If someone is well-oiled, they have drunk a lot.
1123 Drinking and pubs Wet your whistle If you are thirsty and have an alcoholic drink, you wet your whistle. "Whet your whistle" is also used.
1124 Drugs Cigarette paper If you cannot get or put a cigarette paper between people, they are so closely bonded that nothing will separate them or their positions on issues.
1125 Drugs Close but no cigar (USA) If you are close but no cigar, you are close to success or the truth, but have not got there.
1126 Drugs Dry as snuff If something is as dry as snuff, it is very dry indeed.
1127 Drugs High as a kite If someones as high as a kite, it means they have had too much to drink or are under the influence of drugs.
1128 Drugs Pipe dream A pipe dream is an unrealistic, impractical idea or scheme.
1129 Drugs Put that in your pipe and smoke it This is used as an unsympathetic way of telling someone to accept what you have just said.
1130 Drugs Smoke like a chimney Someone who smokes very heavily smokes like a chimney.
1131 Drugs Smoke the peace pipe If people smoke the peace pipe, they stop arguing and fighting.
1132 Drugs Weasel words If somebody uses vaque and unspecific terms to try to avoid being clear about their position or opinion, they are using weasel words.
1133 Food A slice off a cut loaf is never missed Used colloquially to describe having sexual intercourse with someone who is not a virgin, especially when they are in a relationship. The analogy refers to a loaf of bread; it is not readily apparent, once the end has been removed, exactly how many slices have been taken.(You never miss a slice from a cut loaf is also used.)
1134 Food About as useful as a chocolate teapot Someone or something that is of no practical use is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
1135 Food Above the salt This means that something or someone has a high position.
1136 Food Alike as two peas If people or things are as alike as two peas, they are identical.
1137 Food All the tea in China If someone wont do something for all the tea in China, they wont do it no matter how much money they are offered.
1138 Food All your eggs in one basket If you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk everything at once, instead of trying to spread the risk. (This is often used as a negative imperative- Dont put all your eggs in one basket. Have your eggs in one basket is also used.)
1139 Food Apple of your eye Something or, more often, someone that is very special to you is the apple of your eye.
1140 Food Apple pie order Everything is in perfect order and tidy if it is in apple pie order.
1141 Food Apples and oranges Apples and oranges used when people compare or describe two totally different things. (Apples to oranges is also used.)
1142 Food Apples for apples An apples for apples comparison is a comparison between related or similar things. (Apples to apples is also used.)
1143 Food As cool as a cucumber If someone is as cool as a cucumber, they dont get worried by anything.
1144 Food As much use as a chocolate fire-guard A fire-guard is used in front of a fireplace for safety. A chocolate fire-guard is of no use. An alternative to As much use as a chocolate teapot.
1145 Food As much use as a chocolate teapot Something that is as much use as a chocolate teapot is not useful at all.
1146 Food Back to the salt mine If someone says they have to go back to the salt mine, they have to return to work.
1147 Food Bad Apple A person who is bad and makes other bad is a bad apple.
1148 Food Bad egg A person who cannot be trusted is a bad egg. Good egg is the opposite.
1149 Food Banana republic Banana republic is a term used for small countries that are dependent on a single crop or resource and governed badly by a corrupt elite.
1150 Food Banana skin (UK) A banana skin is something that is an embarrassment or causes problems.
1151 Food Bear fruit If something bears fruit, it produces positive results.
1152 Food Best thing since sliced bread If something is the best thing since sliced bread, it is excellent. (The greatest thing since sliced bread is also used.)
1153 Food Big Apple (USA) The Big Apple is New York.
1154 Food Big cheese The big cheese is the boss.
1155 Food Boardinghouse reach Boardinghouse reach is the ability to reach a long distance across a table to get food. Weve used it in our family for as long as I can remember, when you reach across someones plate, "Pardon my boardinghouse reach".
1156 Food Bread and butter Bread and butter issues are ones that affect people directly and in a very important way.
1157 Food Breadwinner Used to describe the person that earns the most money. For example - Shes the breadwinner in the family.
1158 Food Bring home the bacon A person who brings home the bacon earns the money that a family live on.
1159 Food Bun in the oven If a woman has a bun in the oven, she is pregnant.
1160 Food Butter wouldn't melt in their mouth If someone looks as if butter wouldnt melt in their mouth, they look very innocent.
1161 Food Cake's not worth the candle If someone says that the cakes not worth the candle, they mean that the result will not be worth the effort put in to achieve it.
1162 Food Can't do it for toffee If you cant so something for toffee, you are incapable of doing something properly or to any sort of standard.
1163 Food Carrot and stick If someone offers a carrot and stick, they offer an incentive to do something combined with the threat of punishment.
1164 Food Chalk and cheese Things, or people, that are like chalk and cheese are very different and have nothing in common.
1165 Food Cheap as chips (UK) If something is very inexpensive, it is as cheap as chips.
1166 Food Cherry pick If people cherry pick, they choose things that support their position, while ignoring things that contradict it.
1167 Food Chew the cud If you chew the cud, you think carefully about something.
1168 Food Chew the fat If you chew the fat with someone, you talk at leisure with them.
1169 Food Cook the books If people cook the books, they keep false accounts to make money illegally or avoid paying tax.
1170 Food Cooking with gas (USA) If youre cooking with gas, youre working very efficiently.
1171 Food Couch potato A couch potato is an extremely idle or lazy person who chooses to spend most of their leisure time horizontal in front of the TV and eats a diet that is mainly junk food.
1172 Food Crack a nut with a sledgehammer If you use a sledgehammer to crack a nut, you apply too much force to achieve a result. (Jackhammer is also used.)
1173 Food Cream of the crop The cream of the crop is the best there is.
1174 Food Cream rises to the top A good person or idea cannot go unnoticed for long, just as cream poured in coffee or tea eventually rises to the top.
1175 Food Crème de la crème The cr?me de la cr?me is the very best of something.
1176 Food Curate's egg (UK) If something is a bit of a curates egg, it is only good in parts.
1177 Food Curry favour If people try to curry favour, they try to get people to support them. (Curry favor is the American spelling.)
1178 Food Cut the mustard If somebody or something doesnt cut the mustard, they fail or it fails to reach the required standard.
1179 Food Different kettle of fish If something is a different kettle of fish, it is very different from the other things referenced.
1180 Food Dine on ashes I someone is dining on ashes he or she is excessively focusing attention on failures or regrets for past actions.?
1181 Food Don't cry over spilt milk When something bad happens and nothing can be done to help it people say, Dont cry over spilt milk.
1182 Food Dropped like a hot cake If something is dropped like a hot cake, it is rejected or disposed of very quickly.
1183 Food Duck soup (USA) If something is duck soup, it is very easy.
1184 Food Easy as beans Something that is so easy that anyone can do it is easy as beans.
1185 Food Easy as pie If something is easy as pie, it is very easy indeed.
1186 Food Easy peasy (UK) If something is easy peasy, it is very easy indeed. (Easy peasy, lemon squeezy is also used.)
1187 Food Eat humble pie If someone apologises and shows a lot of contrition for something they have done, they eat humble pie.
1188 Food Eat someone alive If you eat someone alive, you defeat or beat them comprehensively.
1189 Food Egg on your face If someone has egg on their face, they are made to look foolish or embarrassed.
1190 Food Eye candy When a person is very attractive, they can be described as eye candy - sweet to look at!
1191 Food Fall off the turnip truck (USA) If someone has just fallen off the turnip truck, they are uninformed, naive and gullible. (Often used in the negative)
1192 Food Fine words butter no parsnips This idiom means that its easy to talk, but talk is not action.
1193 Food Finger in the pie If you have a finger in the pie, you have an interest in something.
1194 Food Fish in troubled waters Someone who fishes in troubled waters tries to takes advantage of a shaky or unstable situation. The extremists were fishing in troubled waters during the political uncertainty in the country.
1195 Food Flat as a pancake It is so flat that it is like a pancake- there is no head on that beer it is as flat as a pancake.
1196 Food Food for thought If something is food for thought, it is worth thinking about or considering seriously.
1197 Food Forbidden fruit Something enjoyable that is illegal or immoral is forbidden fruit.
1198 Food From soup to nuts If you do something from soup to nuts, you do it from the beginning right to the very end.
1199 Food Full of beans If someones full of beans, they are very energetic.
1200 Food Glutton for punishment If a person is described as a glutton for punishment, the happily accept jobs and tasks that most people would try to get out of. A glutton is a person who eats a lot.

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